Kinda Cool looking, huh?!?!?!? Warning to people who are absent minded like me: Food Coloring Stains!!! So, now I have a new project I need to start on, project paint kitchen table. And, let me tell you, I am not looking forward to it! Anyways, here's the items needed.
- water
- Bowls to freeze water in (I suggest freezing atleast 2 per child)
- food coloring
- medicine droppers
- small cups/bowls or containers to put your colors into
- some form of a tray or box to contain the mess (suggest something with high sides bc the ice melts and causes a mess!)
- optional: turkey baster (taylor liked sucking up the melted colored water and squirting it out)
- Freeze water filled bowls
- fill cups with water and food coloring
- take frozen water bowls out and place into container.
- squirt multiple colors on them
- optional: use the food coloring directly out of the container to see more vibrant colors.

5,000 out of 5 stars from Taylor
4.5 out of 5 from Me (due to the mess, but really that's my fault) alright, I will cave and give it 5 stars :)
This is definitely one to try out at home! (Outside, if possible)
Have Fun!
Awesome....I would highly suggest a plastic table cloth to cover your surface :)